Touch Pool Cheats for Animal Jam


The Touch Pool is located inside Tierney’s Aquarium near the entrance. The objective of the Touch Pool is to collect information on all of the creatures and add them to your log. Simply move your cursor over the animals until the ring is full to observe them. Players earn gems for every creature they interact with.


There are six different types of creature in the Touch Pool that you can add to your log. These animals can be found swimming around all over the touch pool.


Your log keeps track of all the different creatures you’ve found in the Touch Pool. It also keeps track of the different colors of creatures and how many times you’ve found each of them.


Once you find all of the colors for a certain creature, you win a plushie prize!


The Touch Pool is a fairly easy game to play, but if you are having trouble check out the cheats and hints below.

Cheats & Hints

Move your cursor slowly to not scare the animal.

Keep track of which animals you have already found using your log.

Be sure to move your cursor over the gems to pick them up.

  1. ty for the cheats but i need more!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey there friend ! Here is a tip for aj play wild jammers to get free betas with no trading! Idk if u know that if u find golden Ray fish it first gives u trophy but keep finding it and it will give u either betas or not. It’s a simple hack for you.
    Hope it helped you!
    USERNAME- markiplierdj 😺

  3. Its Really easy just takes a while but its all worth it

  4. Found them all it just takes some time. The prides are fish type plushies. Add me I’m a rich member I’m Cutewolfslove or my nm backup Thepuper!

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